How to Automate Your Training Department\u00a0

If you are thinking of purchasing a training management platform for your learning and development (L&D) department, one of the benefits to consider is how it can help automate a lot of your manual tasks. Rather than relying on your staff members to complete the same manual and repetitive tasks over and over again, a training management platform can handle a lot of them for you, freeing up your team to focus on more critical tasks.

Automate Communications

Sending emails manually and individually may seem like a trivial task, but it probably takes up a lot more of your team’s time than you realize. If they’re sending emails to students who are at different stages of their learning journey, it can also be difficult to keep track so you can ensure that they are receiving the emails they need when they need them.

One way to solve this problem is to automate your communications by using email templates and triggers. Templates for all the regular emails your team sends could include emails that share course information, survey requests or course confirmations. Rather than having to copy and paste these emails every time, once you’ve created a template, the content will always be waiting for you. Then, you can create email triggers that activate a particular email template when a specific action happens, such as when a new learner signs up for a training course.

This automation means less manual work for your team, ensures that emails will always go out when they need to and your team won’t need to worry about keeping track of all the emails that they need to send at various times.

Automate Reporting

Creating and distributing the same reports every month is an essential task, but if your team is doing it manually, it can also be a waste of your their precious time. A training management platform’s reporting system will enable you to automate your reporting process to ensure that you still have the vital data that you need, in less time.

First of all, you can create personalized reports using any of the data you currently have stored in your training management platform. This personalization means you can create reports that focus on the specific data you want to show. Then, once you have created a report, every time you open that report, it will give you the most up-to-date version of the data. Rather than needing to recompile the information manually every time you need an updated report, your training management system will do the work for you.

You can also create email triggers to send your reports to specific audiences at regular intervals and whenever your team needs a new version of the report. Again, this process cuts down on manual work for your team and means that everyone who needs updated reports will have them — without your team’s having to keep track of them.

Automate Certificates

With a training management platform, you can also automate the sending of certificates to learners after they complete training. These certificates can be important evidence of the training’s completion, so it’s vital you send them to your learners as soon as possible. Again, it can be a time-consuming task to perform manually, and it can be a challenge for your internal training team to track.

If you want to automate your training certificates using your training management platform, you can set triggers to send certificates whenever learners are marked as having completed a course. The system will customize the certificates with the learners’ names and email them instantly.

Even automating just these three elements of your internal training offering will save your team a considerable amount of time and will give them the opportunity to focus on more complex, critical tasks.

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